Sunday, September 30, 2012

What's Bakin'? #4

      Hi People! Sorry if you're too OVERWHELMED by the totally awesome picture below. This, by the way is our fourth edition of What's Bakin'? Wow, time flys... Anyway, the photo below was gotten off my friend's Facebook page, I just think its so cute! A complete set from The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. My eyes totally caught on the blueberry cheesecake below. Its just... Awesome!

      So here's a little script of humor I wrote myself, I was just mulling around and then this popped into my head:

Guy 1: How 'bout baking a pie?
Guy 2: That's going to be a piece of cake.
Guy 1: No, I'm baking a pie.
Guy 2: Yeah I'm saying should be a piece of cake.
Guy 1: I think you mean piece of pie.
Guy 2: Does it have to be a piece of pie?
Guy 1: ...No if you want I can make you something else.
Guy 2: No! Okay, look, make your pie, I'm just saying its going to be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy.
Guy 1: You want me to make a peas and lemon pie? I don't think that's a good combo...

      Okay, I know I'm not the ultimate comedian, you probably wouldn't understand the first time 'round. I think you'll get it once you read it again.

      Anyway, lookie here! Its a whole platter of sweet treats! This photo was taken in the Equinox, Singapore. A fancy restaurant located high at the tippy-top of what used to be one of Singapore's tallest buildings. You can see the view of the city down below. What we have here are... A blueberry scone, a cherry choux, a chocolate covered strawberry, an eclair and some other things I don't know the names of.

      Then here, we have two cute little cupcakes from Twelve Cupcakes. Received from a supporter of my dad's when he was out selling his new book. I was ecstatic when I saw them. They may have gotten a little ruined on the journey home. One of them's Red Velvet if I'm not wrong, and the other's cookies and cream. Look, they even come in these individual cupcake holders!

Cupcake Crazy,
An Lyn

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