Friday, September 7, 2012

What's Bakin'? #3

      Hold up! Stop with the recipes for a second will ya? Okay, maybe we won't stop, but just give me a second, I have to tell you something. People, this is What's Bakin'? #3!

      So, Today we're featuring Sponge Cakes and Butter Biscuits! But today, You're lucky cause I'm not going to bore you with interviews on how it tasted.

     First off, get a load of these pictures of the Sponge Cakes I made. The lighter one's Steamed Sponge Cake, the others of darker shades are baked. Scroll down to view the recipe that goes with it.

      Oh yeah, those black squiggly lines? Let me tell you, they're not frosting or anything, they weren't supposed to be there. Yeah, either one of my pesky little siblings could've done that. And now I can't remove it. Its most probably my brother really, he does this a lot of the time. So just don't get the wrong idea.

Steamed Sponge Cake

50g flour
2 eggs
50g castor sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence

How to Make
Prepare the steamer and grease the pudding bowls. Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a mixing bowl. Fold int the sifted flour, add the vanilla essence and stir. Pour the mixture into the greased bowls. Cover the top of the bowls with greaseproof paper. Steam from 20-25 minutes. Allow to cool before turning the cake out. Serve with jam, cream, yogurt and ice cream. Serves 2.

I've never come across anyone who doesn't
love a piece of cake once in a while.
~ Chee An Lyn

       By the way, this recipe is from my Home Econs textbook, TeenLife. And it says here, that you can make a Chocolate sponge cake using 75g flour, 1 level dessertspoon cocoa powder, 2 eggs and 50g fine sugar. If you want to bake it instead, then set the temperature to 190 degrees (this is a Singaporean recipe, so we don't use Fahrenheit here).

      Ahhhh... much better! See now they don't have faces drawn on by my brother via Gimp (Photo-editing software). 

      Okay, so guess where I got the following recipe from? Go on! Guess! Okay, okay I'll tell you. I got it from my brother's homework. English homework to be exact. Its a comprehension, so they probably had to answer questions on the recipe or something. I don't know, all I looked at was the recipe. And, its not even that difficult. Its probably the easiest recipe I've come across.


Butter Cookies

50g butter
75g sugar
1 egg
100g plain flour

How to Bake
Turn on the oven before you start. (Should be around 350 degrees F. It doesn't state the temperature here.) Spread a thin layer of butter on a tray. Beat the softened butter and sugar together in a bowl. Then beat the egg in a separate bowl and add it to the butter and sugar. Add the flour and mix well to form a dough. Roll the dough flat on a board and use a cookie cutter to shape the cookies. Place them on the tray and bake in the oven till golden brown.

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
~ Unknown

      Haha! I love that quote! I know the recipe isn't of such good quality so I had to write it a little differently. Look, it don't even say how many cookies it makes!  Its from a piece of homework that's why. But, its good. Anything baked is definitely good.

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