Friday, August 17, 2012

Tea and Cakes

Tea Beauty Tip!
Make a facial scrubbing mask with
cornmeal, milk and chamomile tea.

      So, check this out. This is a dainty little box and cup of Crabtree and Evelyn Afternoon Tea (Black, to be exact) posing nicely for a snapshot. I found it in tucked away in the little pantry in my office and decided to give it a try. Not bad I must say.

      Quite a few pictures will be shown in this post today, that's because I've come across so many cute baked goods and stuff lately. The world is full of these little delicacies! And while we're on the subject of tea, I found this nice tea set including a tea pot, a slightly huge teacup (both stack-able) and a tea strainer!

      And, a while ago I went to my parent's friend's house (the one who bakes all the chocolate cupcakes and cakes) and snapped a few shots of the nicely displayed chocolate truffle cakes. I could have sworn it was calling me, "An Lyn, hurry take my picture!" I couldn't resist so maybe I just took one - or three - shots. Okay fine I took several shots, but I had to get it just right. Look at the little pedestal its placed on. I could really use that for my future teashop. More details on that later.

      Well, I went back to the library but couldn't find any more books with recipes. Its really too bad, I guess that was just luck the other time. But I have a few recipes on cookies that will be coming up. So keep reading!

Bring me a cup of tea and the times. 
~ Queen Victoria's first command upon her ascension to the throne

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