Okay, its pretty obvious that there are a few changes. But let me explain them to you. You see the two questions on the left side bar? Please vote, or choose one of the options. Note that you may choose more than one option. I really want to get your opinions so that I can improve this food blog. So help me please!
Now below that are more of my blog entries, latest on top, sorted according to months. The earliest recipe dates back to Tuesday, June 5th, 2012, when I first stumbled upon The Secret Ingredient which inspired me to start my own food blog. But if you want to read some of my more popular posts, then please refer to the right sidebar and scroll down to Popular Posts. They'll feature my top 5 most popular posts.
Looking for something more than reading? Well then look to your right and you'll find yourself face-to-face with some baking videos! The videos show you how to frost and decorate your baked cakes/cupcakes creatively. The other videos on chocolate show you how to use it in different ways.
AND, if you need translation, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to the Translate gadget and select your language. If you want to view my profile, then look below the More Blog Entries gadget.
What about comments? Well, you can see right below every post: No comments. Click that and write your comment. I think that might only be possible if you own a Gmail account or have your own blog. But just give it a try anyway.
Listen, I really, really would like to hear from my viewers and I hope all these new stuff I've added will make a difference in the number of page-views I receive. If you see something you like, or know some one who loves to cook and bake as much as I do, then show your family and friends. My ambition is to become a famous baker/chef and I'm not going to let my allergies toward eggs stop me. : D
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