Friday, November 16, 2012

Thank You!

      Sorry guys, no recipe for today, I think its time I write my Thank You Speech, hope you guys will still bother to read it : )

      I'd like to take this moment to thank all my readers and fellow bakers for visiting my blog! As you can see, I've put up a Pageview gadget (not to show off, no but) so you guys can see how this blog has progressed over the months. These are weekly pageviews.

      I used to get only 1 or 2 pageviews a day, or sometimes none at all. But yesterday I had 23 and there are possibly more than 20 pageviews everyday.

     Thanks Dad, for persuading me to start my blog and many thanks to my siblings for helping me type the recipes out when I was too lazy. Thanks to Laura Schaefer, author of The Teashop Girls and The Secret Ingredient, for inspiring me to start collecting recipes.

      I'd like to give a shout-out to Miriam Larson, thanks for commenting. And to minkyung my very first follower. Thank you, it means a lot to me : D

      All credits go to the books I've shared the recipes from: The Secret Ingredient ~ Laura Schaefer (see also: The Teashop Girls), Eggs Over Evie ~ Alison Jackson,  Confectionately Yours: Save the Cupcake! ~ Lisa Papademetriou, Healthy Cooking for Your Kids ~ Sarah Banberry. Also please check out my Whats Bakin'? posts.

Lastly, thank you readers! Wouldn't have come this far without you, please keep reading. Even though recipes are running short, I WILL find a way! So KEEP CALM AND BAKE ON!

Signing out,
An Lyn

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