Okay, so first, I went to meet my friends at the public swimming complex near my house.There were five of us in total. I was a little late so by the time I got there they were already swimming. But I didn't mind. Okay, maybe I was just a little jealous...

So after I bought the ticket I had to slot in the card through this other machine in order to be able to push one of the metal handle bar thingies to get inside the swimming complex. Sounds pretty simple right? The thing is, I couldn't find the slot to insert the card. So, I stood there like a fool trying to find the slot. Then when I looked up, I realised that part of the machine was for exiting the pool. Oh, thought I. How stupid could I have been? The answer is: VERY.

So I finally managed to get in. It was a little cloudy that day so the pool was rather empty. It was perfect since I hate crowded pools. So I went to change into my slick black one-piece. And jumped in. We splashed each other and played games. Totally fun. After a while my fingers got a little pruney from being in the water for so long, so my friend and I got out to shower and change first while the others stayed a little while more. When we got out of the showering room, they were still swimming and reluctant to get out. So my friend and I had to drag them out. Haha! I was being sarcastic we actually hauled then out of the pool and forced then to go bathe.
We were hungry so we decided to head over to my friend's place to order Pizza Hut Delivery for lunch. Pizza is my all-time favourite food! Its just so darn delicious. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week and not get tired of it. So you could imagine how happy I was. We walked to her Condominium and ordered a large seafood pizza and a regular Cheesy 7 pizza when we got there.
While we waited, we joked, gossiped, played games and basically had fun. But the best part was when we played Chubby Bunny. My friends had bought a pack of large marshmallows and the aim was to stuff as
many marshmallows we could into our mouth. Each time we put a new one in, we had to say "Chubby Bunnies". And the rule was that you could not chew the marshmallows. Once you did, you were out of the game.
After about three each in our mouths, we started cracking up at the way we sounded. "Chubby Bunnies" now sounded like "tubbie-mummies" and soon morphed into "mmffy-mmllffs". Half the time we were laughing our heads off. But that's kinda hard to do with your mouth full of marshmallows and your spit about to escape from your mouth. Gross, but loads of fun!
Soon after, the pizza came and we all pigged out. I took 4 slices of the Cheesy 7 pizza not because I was greedy but because I was allergic to the mayonaise on the Seafood pizza. OMGosh it was soooo good!!! Yes the pizza deserves three exclaimation marks. :D
After that, we danced Roly-Poly by K-POP group T-ARA . If you had read my previous entries you would understand. Then we went down to the condo pool to dip our feet in the jacuzzi. We sat there for about an hour, then went back up. I left at about 6.30, and thanked my friend before I left. All in all, it was really fun. But now its back to homework and projects.
Please follow my blog!
An Lyn :)
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