So, what is death? It is, according to the online dictionary, The act of dying; termination of life. I mean, yeah sure, death means you die. But have you ever thought what happens after that? Just think about it for a minute, after you die, your body decomposes, turns disgusting and moldy, and eventually gets eaten my maggots and other underground creepy crawlies. Disgusting, but not the point.
When you die, are you completely unconscious? Or does you spirit continue to live on and on forever? Is it complete darkness and silence, or do you get catapulted into the high heavens to join God? No one knows, for those who have gone into the afterlife never came back to tell.
Some people believe in Hell. Well, to tell you truthfully, I don't believe in it. Yes, I believe in God and Jesus Christ, and I believe in Heaven. And I don't see the point in going to Hell after you've already passed away. So, when I die, I wish to be sent to Heaven to join my late loved ones.
Oh yeah, and maybe I should be cremated too. I hate the fact that after I die, bugs and stuff are going to eat my body. Ugh! That is just DISGUSTING! But it would be pretty fun becoming a ghost too. Ha ha. Scaring the living daylights out of people. >:D Hahahahahaha, that would be evil...

People say they don't believe in ghosts, but I do. To me, ghosts are spirits who's souls die un-peacefully. Say in a car crash or suicide. Sometimes, these spirits have something they need or want to fulfill in order to be able to rest in peace. Or perhaps they got lost on the way to heaven. Who knows? But look out for my next post and I'll type out some ghost stories for ya!
Till the next time, Ciao. :)
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